Friday, July 6, 2018


We now have another Blue Wave from the Left.  It's call the #WalkAway Campaign - Liberals who are fed up with the hate, lies and insanity from the likes of Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren and Corry Booker, and from the Liberal media outlets like CNN, MSNBC.  ANTIFA and the Socialist Democrats of America promote violence as a means to an end - anarchy and Socialism, open borders, the abandonment of the rule of law, and the destruction of American society.  Many on the Left have been paying attention, and they have awakened.

Trump Administration officials have been harassed and chased from restaurants, or confronted on the the street, by wild-eyed, Left-wing fanatics, spewing their venom.  The owner of The Red Hen restaurant in Annapolis not only chased Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party from the premises, she followed them to another restaurant in order to continue, with other derangned individuals, the harassment.  Liberals have abandoned all pretense of civility.  As an example, we have some lowlife individual calling himself "Kino" assaulting a teenager for wearing a MAGA hat.  These people are nuts.

And what's even more pathetic is that they blame the people they are assaulting.  "Trump made me do it," has become the universal excuse.  We've seen more mature behavior from 4-year-olds. 

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