Monday, July 2, 2018


Sent to Facebook Jail again, this time for "hate speech."  Without getting into too much detail, someone took offense at a post in which I called transgenderism a mental health problem.  I did use strong language, but the overall facts of the matter are that this sexual confusion is known as gender dysphoria aka gender identity disorder and is considered a serious mental health condition.  I won't get into a long discussion about it here, but this link takes you to Psychology Today:

Facebook is doubling down on its PC/Liberal attacks on its Conservative members.  I have reported Liberals for blatant racism, vile personal attacks, and threats against individuals.  Facebook defended every single on of them, telling me none of them violated their terms of service.  Go figure.

Facebook is run by Liberals who are blatantly applying a double standard in its alleged crackdown on hate speech, etc.  They really haven't changed other than being more aggressive in their attacks on Conservatives.

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